
Friday, 8 July 2011

Stay Away from Christians, Boko Haram warns Muslims in Nigeria …Every none Muslims in Government is Infidel and marked for De...

SEE WHAT BOKO HARAM HAS DONE-PICTURES NEVER PUBLISHED BEFOREWhile the deadly Maiduguri based terror group,  Boko Haram, continues to maim ,murder and destroy properties, the Nigeria state officials, security agencies are simply at sea as to how to curtail these strings of mayhem. Few days ago, Chief of Army staff, Azubike Ihejirika boasted " we can handle Boko Haram...not too long ago, Inspector General of Police , Hafiz Ringim went to their base to run his mouth...he said " we will destroy Boko Haram. Next day they nearly took his life right there in the belly of the Force Headquarters. The police most times try to minimize the magnitude of destruction. Boko Haram has vowed to kill as many officers and men of the police, SSS, etc. As possible...and they are making good their promise....

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